Reading Across Boarders Book Club: Chronicle of the Murdered House by Lúcio Cardoso

February 7, 2018

Reading Across Boarders Book Club: Chronicle of the Murdered House by Lúcio Cardoso

The Reading Across Borders book club focuses on literature in English translation, with a particular interest in writers who are not (yet) well-known in the English-speaking world. Hosted by former store staffer Helen Chau Bradley, the book club meetings take place every two months, and are open to all.

For our next meeting, on Wednesday, February 7th, we will meet at La Petite Librairie Drawn & Quarterly (176 Bernard O.) at 7 pm to discuss Lúcio Cardoso's Chronicle of the Murdered House, translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson. Join us for discussion and drinks!

**We offer a 15% discount on Chronicle of the Murdered House from now until the meeting date.*** 

Chronicle of the Murdered House is a masterpiece of Brazilian literature, translated into English for the first time in 2016. Epic in its length and scope, it tells, in epistolary form, of the moral and financial downfall of a patriarchal bourgeois family in rural Minas Gerais. Lúcio Cardoso was a renowned writer of mid-20th century Brazil, as well as a playwright, poet, journalist, filmmaker, and painter. His work focused on the expression of the inner self, on the exploration of spiritual rather than material matters. He was among the first Brazilian postmodernist writers, alongside Clarice Lispector, his younger contemporary, who was also a close friend.

We regret that the bookstore is not wheelchair accessible. There is a step at the entrance, followed by a half step and a door that opens inward. Once inside, there are no additional steps to access the bathroom, although the bathroom space is narrow. Alcohol will be served.