Virtual Story Time! Pokko and the Drum/Pokko et le tambour
March 18, 2020

While our stores are closed to the public, story time lives on. Here we are reading (with permission from the author) Pokko and the Drum et Pokko et le Tambour by Matthew Forsythe! Check back in every day at 11 am to watch us read more of our favourite stories!

Pokko et le tambour
Matt Forsythe
La plus grave erreur que les parents de Pokko aient jamais commise, à leurs yeux, fut de lui offrir un tambour... Son père invita...
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Pokko and the Drum
Matthew Forsythe
A Publishers Weekly Most Anticipated Book for Fall 2019 “In embracing one’s own beat, Pokko discovers, extraordinary things can happen.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)...
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