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Book*hug Press

Nothing that Is, The

Johanna Skibsrud

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Book*hug Press

Written over a period of more than a decade, The Nothing That Is is a collection about the very concept of "nothing," approached from a variety of angles and in a variety of ways.

Addressing a broad range of topics and works by contemporary writers and artists, these essays seek to decentre our relationship to both the "givenness" of history and to a predictive or probable model of the future. They do so by drawing attention to the ways that poetic language activates the multiple, and as yet undesignated, possibilities replete within our every moment, and within every encounter between a speaking "I" and what exceeds subjectivity—a listening "Other," be it community or the objective world.

Praise for Johanna Skibsrud:

"It is exhilarating to join a writer working at these bracing heights." —Washington Post