Get Growin'
March 7, 2019

Spring might not officially have sprung, but that doesn't mean beautiful gardening books aren't starting to pop up like so many crocuses. Whether your plans involve growing fruit all summer or just enjoying the odd cactus, we've got you covered!
Here are some of the new arrivals:

How to Raise a Plant
Morgan Doane, Erin Harding
Aimed at a new generation of indoor gardening enthusiasts, this book is a perfect guide for anyone keen to see their plant offspring thrive....
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How Not To Kill Your Plants
Nik Southern
Hands up if you've killed a plant? Yep, me too. It's no secret that we've all become plant obsessed, but do we really understand...
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The Inspired Houseplant
Jen Stearns
The ultimate go-to guide for aspiring indoor gardeners, this book offers inspiration and instruction to envision and create your own gorgeous in-home garden spaces.With...
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Practical Cactus and Succulent Book
Fran Bailey, Zia Allaway
Choose the right plant from 200 varieties of cacti and succulents, and learn how to grow and show them off with help from this...
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Beginner Gardening Step by Step
Is your lawn full of weeds? Are your plants diseased? Is your flower bed forlorn? Do you long to create an outdoor space you...
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