Holiday Picks 2021 - Catherine

November 2, 2021

Holiday Picks 2021 - Catherine


While compiling my selection for this holiday season, I realized this year I mostly read atmospheric, disorienting, tantalizing novels. Something New Under the Sun by Alexandra Kleeman was a huge surprise, such an unexpected novel. Not only was it funny and strange, it also profoundly touched me and left me in a daze. It was quite a unique experience. The writing's palette and minutiae impressed me. 

The same goes for Katie Kitamura's Intimacies; the writing was sharp, acute. An interpreter has just arrived in the Netherlands for a job at the International Court. The reader gets tangled in her thoughts as she maneuvers adapting to a new culture, complicated relationship dynamics, and a new job that is very emotionally complex. The tone is tense and slightly ominous at times; it reminded me of Yoko Tawada's work. 

All's Well by Mona Awad bathes in a similar ambiance. In it's pages we follow the main character, a young theatre professor struggling with manifold chronic illness and all the while  trying to stage All's Well, a 'problematic' Shakespeare play with her students. In a magical twist of fate, her situation starts evolving in an uncanny way, spiraling us to manic feverish heights.

Changing the tone here, reading Afterparties by Anthony Veasna So was a true pleasure. In this collection of short stories, sadly published posthumously, So dove into the Cambodian-American communities living in California with empathy and humor, creating characters that are vibrant and profound. The quality remains true throughout the book, a real feat.

I'm also excited about the new Helen Chau Bradley, Personal Attention Roleplay, which I'm looking forward to reading! It's fairly early in the season so I'm likely missing a few more new titles!

Quelqu'un m'a fait découvrir Vinciane Despret plus tôt cette année et son dernier roman, l'Autobiographie d'un poulpe, m'a captivée! L'auteure y développe l'idée de “thérolinguistique” originellement tirée des bouquins d'Ursula K LeGuin. Elle explore les comportements animaux en tâchant de décentrer le regard humain. D'une imagination débridée, Despret spécule; elle propose de repenser et de compliquer notre pensée vis-à-vis les animaux et le vivant en général. Pour les amateurs de Donna Haraway, Baptiste Morizot et Ursula LeGuin.

Rien du tout d'Olivia Tapiero est un magnifique ouvrage polymorphe: s'y cotoie poésie et essai afin de détailler un réel travail d'excavation qui permet de toucher l'enfoui, l'essentiel et le côté obscur de l'être. Une oeuvre courageuse et riche, magnifiquement écrite. Le dernier Marie Darrieussecq, Pas Dormir, est une réflexion kaléidoscopique sur l'insomnie, truffée de citations de tous genres et d'anecdotes personnelles. 

Sur ma table de chevet, j'ai Le Tour de La Question de Adel B Khelifa qui a l'air vraiment intéressant. Finalement, je lis Notre Part de Nuit de Mariana Enriquez et je passe un bon moment! Sorcellerie, sexe et sociétés secrètes sur fond de dictature en Argentine, assez divertissant.

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Essais & Poésie

J'ai eu un énorme coup de coeur pour Sensible de Nedjma Kacimi. Un retentissant premier livre selon moi, qui m'a fait pensé un peu au ton de Virginie Despentes. L'auteure nous parle de façon intime de ce sujet tabou qu'est la guerre d'Algérie. Elle use de toutes sortes de stratégies de communication et d'écriture afin de décortiquer les événements et ses répercussions ressenties jusqu'à ce jour. Incisif, féroce, incroyablement lucide, souvent drôle et percutant, ce livre est empreint d'une grande patience et d'un courage indéniable. Je crois qu'il peut réellement faire bouger la conscience.

Real Estate was my first encounter with Deborah Levy (after wanting to read her for years) and now I have a huge crush on her! I love how she plays with recurrent imagery and symbols throughout her book, meticulously crafting her thoughts. Very clever, playful and relatable. I love her.

Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch is an exciting local writer and The Good Arab is an impressive follow-up to knot body, published in 2020.  A blend of poetry and essays, lusciously written; the thoughts are bare, honest, vulnerable. There is a space to reflect, to ponder, and rethink.

I'm also looking forward to dive into The Dawn of Everything : A New History of Humanity, the epic new book by David Graeber and David Wengrow! I read the introduction and it got me so excited, it promises to shake things up and rebuild one's entire notion of History, and I am DOWN. 

A few outstanding books about music this year. Blank Form's books about synthesizer & electroacoustic pioneer Maryanne Amacher and Moki Cherry, free-jazz-hero Don Cherry's partner and collaborator are truly amazing. Here are a few books about music I've been wanting to read this year / have peeked into :  Hungry Listening : Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies by Dylan Robinson, Repeater's reedition of Junglist by Two Fingas and  James T. Kirk (a novel about the rave & jungle scene in the UK written by teenagers in the 90s), Teklife, Ghettoville, Eski : The Sonic Ecologies of Black Music in the Early 21st Century by Dhanveer Singh Brar and Alyssa Favreau's Janelle Monae's the Archandroid. Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau vient de sortir Il Est Strictement Defendu Boire Studio aux éditions Ta mère. Il dresse l'historique de la radio étudiante CISM, et j'ai très hâte de plonger dedans, j'ai brièvement tenu une émission il y a quelques années. 

J'ai bien aimé le dernier Mona Chollet, Réinventer l'Amour : Comment le patriarcat sabote les relations hétérosexuelles. L'autrice est fidèle à elle-même et aborde un vaste spectre de thèmes autour des rapports amoureux dans les relations hétérosexuelles (rapports de pouvoir, charge émotionnelle, fétichisme racial, violence conjugale) sous un ton journalistique en y insérant de son propre vécu personnel. Les livres de poésie de Elkahna Talbi, Pomme Grenade, Chloé Savoie-Bernard, Sainte Chloé de l'Amour, et Field Study de Chet'la Sebree m'ont bien touchés.

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Romans Graphiques

J'en ai profité cette année pour plonger dans la série culte de Walter Scott, Wendy, et j'ai englouti les trois tomes à la vitesse de l'éclair. Très très drôle et déjanté. Local artist Lee Lai's Stone Fruit and Alison Bechdel's Secret to Superhuman Strength (one of my graphic novel heroes) were highlights of this year, and I quite enjoyed Seek You by Kristen Radtke, a thorough research about loneliness in America and the graphic novel adaptation of Timothy Snyder's On Tyranny illustrated by Nora Krug (who had given us the beautiful Belonging in 2019). Le Grand Vide de Léa Murawiec est un livre dystopique enlevant et magnifique. I adore Keiler Roberts and My Begging Chart did not let me down! A special shout out to Montrealer Cesario Lavery and his zine Der Eydes! It was really fun to read and I'm looking forward to reading more!

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Something New Under the Sun

Alexandra Kleeman

NEW YORK TIMES EDITORS’ CHOICE • A novelist discovers the dark side of Hollywood and reckons with ambition, corruption, and connectedness in the age of...

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Katie Kitamura

ONE OF BARACK OBAMA’S FAVORITE SUMMER READS “One of the best novels I’ve read in 2021.” – Dwight Garner, The New York Times“A perfect novel—taut...

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All's Well

Mona Awad

“Dear Readers: This is one wild book! . . . No holds barred.” —Margaret Atwood via Twitter“Mind-blowing. Equal parts brilliant and hilarious.” —Heather O’Neill,...

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Anthony Veasna So

A Roxane Gay's Audacious Book Club Pick!Named a Best Book of Summer by: Wall Street Journal * Thrillist * Vogue * Lit Hub *...

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Personal Attention Roleplay

Helen Chau Bradley

A young gymnast crushes on an older, more talented teammate while contending with her overworked mother. A newly queer twenty-something juggles two intimate relationships--with...

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Autobiographie d'un poulpe

Vinciane Despret

Un récit d'anticipation dans lequel l'auteure imagine que les animaux adressent des messages codés à travers leurs comportements.

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Rien du tout

Olivia Tepiero

"Je veux écrire à marée basse." Rien du tout, c'est l'espace où tout s'effondre, la forme, le genre, l'être. S'ouvre le trou noir, auquel...

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Le Tour De La Question

Adel B Khelifa

e tour de la question est un livre inclassable flirtant entre le récit de soi, l’essai et la fiction pure. Le narrateur explore un...

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Notre part de nuit

Mariana Enriquez

Gaspar, un petit garçon dont la mère a disparu dans des circonstances étranges, a hérité d'un don qui le destine, comme son père, à...

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Real Estate

Deborah Levy

From one of the great thinkers and writers of our time, comes the highly anticipated final installment in Deborah Levy's critically acclaimed "living autobiography"...

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Nedja Kacimi

Pour commémorer les soixante ans de l'indépendance de l'Algérie, l'auteure évoque les discriminations dont elle a été victime pour brosser le portrait d'une société...

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Good Arabs, The

Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch

Swinging from post-explosion Beirut to a Parc-Extension balcony in summer, the verse and prose poems in The Good Arabs ground the reader in place,...

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Réinventer l'amour

Mona Chollet

Etude de l'impact des représentations idéales du couple héritées du patriarcat sur les relations hétérosexuelles. La journaliste considère que l'espace du désir est saturé...

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Pomme Grenade

Elkahna Talbi

Pomme-grenade, deuxième recueil d’Elkahna Talbi, présente la femme amoureuse, désireuse et désirée. Le poème creuse les chemins de l’amour et de l’intimité face à...

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Sainte Chloé de l'amour

Chloé Savoie-Bernard

L'autrice poursuit son exploration poétique du désir, de l'identité, du rapport à l'autre dans un recueil d'une impudeur ardente, et élégante. Dans des vers...

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Field Study

Chet'la Sebree

Winner of the 2020 James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets"Layered, complex, and infinitely compelling, Chet’la Sebree’sField Study is a daring exploration...

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Maryanne Amacher: Selected Writings and Interviews

Maryanne Amacher

Now in paperback, the first ever book on American composer and sound-art pioneer Maryanne Amacher, with letters, manifestos, notes and more elucidating her eclectic...

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Organic Music Societies

Lawrence Kumpf

Archival documents and new writings on the intermedia collaborations of avant-garde jazz trumpeter Don Cherry and textile artist Moki CherryDon Cherry and Moki Karlsson...

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Hungry Listening

Dylan Robinson

Reimagining how we understand and write about the Indigenous listening experience?Hungry Listening is the first book to consider listening from both Indigenous and settler...

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Two Fingas, James Kirk

Back in print after more than twenty years, this cult classic of underground British fiction tells the story of young Black men coming of...

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Teklife, Ghettoville, Eski

Dhanveer Singh Brar

How black electronic dance music makes it possible to reorganize life within the contemporary city.Teklife, Ghettoville, Eski argues that Black electronic dance music produces...

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Janelle Monae's The ArchAndroid

Alyssa Favreau

In Janelle Monáe's full-length debut, the science fiction concept albumThe ArchAndroid, the android Cindi Mayweather is on the run from the authorities for the...

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il est strictement défendu de boire en studio

Alexandre Fontaine-Rousseau

Allô. Ici Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau. Ça fait douze ans que je suis bénévole à CISM. C’est très exactement le tiers de ma vie. Juste...

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The Dawn of Everything

David Graeber, David Wengrow

Renowned activist and public intellectual David Graeber teams up with professor of comparative archaeology David Wengrow to deliver a trailblazing account of human history,...

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Walter Scott

The outrageously funny and painfully relatable satire of an aspiring artist and millennial culture Walter Scott's Wendy comics have become a critical sensation, with...

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Stone Fruit

Lee Lai

Bron and Ray are a queer couple who enjoy their role as the fun weirdo aunties to Ray’s niece, six-year-old Nessie. Their playdates are...

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The Secret to Superhuman Strength

Alison Bechdel

From the author of Fun Home, a profoundly affecting graphic memoir of Bechdel's lifelong love affair with exercise, set against a hilarious chronicle of fitness fads in our times...

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Seek You

Kristen Radtke

From the acclaimed author of Imagine Wanting Only This—a timely and moving meditation on isolation and longing, both as individuals and as a societyThere...

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On Tyranny Graphic Edition

Timothy Snyder

A graphic edition of historian Timothy Snyder’s bestselling book of lessons for surviving and resisting America’s arc toward authoritarianism, featuring the visual storytelling talents...

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Le Grand Vide

Léa Murawiec

Manel Naher, qui passe ses journées dans une petite librairie, est éclipsée par une célébrité qui porte le même nom. Mais le succès de...

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My Begging Chart

Keiler Roberts

?One of comics? preeminent humorists.??The AV Club Keiler Roberts mines the passing moments of family life to deliver an affecting and funny account of...

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Der Eydes

Cesario Lavery

(Der Eydes—The Witness) is Cesario’s ongoing serialized comic about the treasure he found and the treasure it led to. It is one part detective...

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Catherine Debard

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