D+Q Book Club Donation 2023
January 23, 2023

D+Q has made donations to four local non-profits on behalf of the Gay Reads, Indigenous Literatures, Strange Futures, and O'Neill Reads Book Clubs. Please note that all book clubs have returned to meeting in person at La Petite Librairie D+Q (176 Bernard O.)
On behalf of the Strange Futures book club, hosted by H Felix Chau Bradley (Personal Attention Roleplay), we have donated $250 to AGIR Montreal, an autonomous non-profit organization by and for the LGBTQIA+ migrant community living in Montreal. The next book club meeting takes place on Tuesday February 7th to discuss Scattered All Over the Earth by Yoko Tawada, translated by Margaret Mitsutani. RSVP here, masks required.
On behalf of the Gay Reads book club, hosted by Kathleen Fraser, we have donated $250 to the LGBTQ + Community Center of Montreal, which offers a common gathering place for organizations and individuals interested in improving the experience of homosexual and trans-identified persons. The next book club meeting takes place on Wednesday February 15th to discuss The Lost Century by Larissa Lai. RSVP here, masks required.
On behalf of the Indigenous Literatures book club, hosted by Tara McGowan-Ross (Nothing Will Be Different), we have donated $250 to Resilience Montreal, a non-profit day shelter offering food, a place to sleep, clean clothes, and support to anyone in need. The next book club meeting takes place on Wednesday February 22nd to discuss Making Love with the Land by Joshua Whitehead. RSVP here, masks required.
On behalf of the O'Neill Reads book club, hosted by Arizona O'Neill (Est-Ce Qu'un Artiste Peut Etre Heureux?) and Heather O'Neill (When We Lost Our Heads), we have donated $250 to the Women's Centre of Montreal, a non-profit organization that provides educational and vocational training, as well as information, counselling and referral services to help women help themselves. The next book club will discuss The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li.
We hope you will seek out and support these and other local non-profits and that we'll see you at one of our book clubs this year!