Daphné B. & Kathy L. launch "I Love Dick, a fanfic" with Julie Delporte & Marcela Huerta

November 25, 2017

Daphné B. & Kathy L. launch "I Love Dick, a fanfic" with Julie Delporte & Marcela Huerta
As long fans of Kraus’ writing and the genre-blurring style which it emblemizes, Kate L. and Daphné B. began writing and sharing their own letters to Dick over the summer.

I Love Dick (a fanfic), is a post-internet iteration of the feminist cult classic written in the 90s. The letters analyze a variety of contemporary phenomenon and cultural objects such as celebrity, memes, Google Translate, pop songs, and Vegas, through the lens of female desire and feminism. The text is interwoven with images: screenshots of internet image browsing and Youtube playlists. At the intersection of artist book, zine, and fanfiction, it is a funny, subversive, and thoughtful reflection on love, desire, and art. 

The zine will be launched at La Petite Librairie Drawn & Quarterly (176 Bernard O.) on December 1st at 7:00 pm where authors Kate Lewis, Daphné B., Julie Delporte and Marcela Huerta will partake in a discussion on female writing and desire.

KATHY L. is a part-time bookseller and artist based in Montreal.

DAPHNÉ B. est née en 1990 à Montréal. Elle a étudié, voyagé, été libraire. Elle a publié Bluetiful (2015) et Delete (2017). Cofondatrice du collectif Filles Missiles, elle est aussi collaboratrice à l'émission Plus on est de fous, plus ont lit et apprentie traductrice.

JULIE DELPORTE est l'auteure de plusieurs bande dessinée pour adultes - dont Journal (2014), Je vois des antennes partout (2015), Moi aussi je voulais l'emporter (2017) - et d'un album jeunesse Je suis un raton laveur (2013). Elle écrit également des essais, réalise des illustrations pour divers magazines et fabrique des bols en céramique. (pic by Hélène Gruénais)

MARCELA HUERTA is the author of Tropico, a collection of poetry and creative nonfiction published by Metatron Press in 2017. She has worked at the Museum of Anthropology, Working Format, and Free Agency Creative as a Graphic Designer, and at Drawn & Quarterly as an Assistant Editor. She is the proud daughter of Chilean refugees, and her work centers around their stories, as well as the stories of other marginalized voices. You can find her online @marsmella
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