Mirror Mirror 3 has arrived!

October 20, 2020

Mirror Mirror 3 has arrived!
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Mirror Mirror 3 has arrived! The Mirror Mirror series is a collection of comics anthologies put out by 2Dcloud.  The latest installment is by some of my personal favourites, Plum Press. They take an unconventional approach to the anthology format, with the three artists collaborating to varying degrees on the four short comics that make up the book.

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Mirror Mirror 3 offers up a fluid eroticism. I think of Kate Bush, of caves, of the northern lights. For those who want something sexy but not graphic, something that suggests rather than shows, this collection is for you: there's lots of room for the imagination. Colours and styles blend, decouple, and reemerge, constantly transforming. The stories almost shimmer: we see faces, the warp of distance, an oyster shell against a knife. 
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Rachel Wallace
