New D+Q: The Third Person by Emma Grove
May 6, 2022
One of the most engrossing memoirs you will ever read, The Third Person by Emma Grove is in store today! When the over 900-page manuscript landed on the desks of the DQHQ team, our staff burned through it in a matter of hours. Grove’s expertly crafted memoir is impossible to put down, absorbing readers with every page.
Ten or so years prior to writing this book, Emma Grove sought out a therapist named Toby so that she could attain hormone replacement treatment to aid in her transition. Only, something strange happened early on in their sessions. Emma brought a book to show Toby, but when she went down to reach it from the couch, it vanished. Emma had no recollection of what occurred and decided to pen The Third Person to go over every detail and every bit of dialogue from that time in her life, and put the pieces together finally.
It turned out that Emma had been appearing at the therapy sessions with Toby as different people: a confident woman named Katina, a burned out man named Ed, and a shy, pensive woman named Emma. Only after taking deep dives into Emma’s childhood memories did Toby begin to come to the conclusion that Emma was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder and unable to ever remember the actions of her alters.
The Third Person is a stunning comics exposition of the intersection between trauma and identity. It is a living document of one woman’s struggle to know herself and live authentically. The Third Person unfolds in punctuated dark lines and confident pacing. It is truly an experience to behold this book. Pick up a copy today!
“Emma Grove has written a beautiful, vulnerable, exquisite book that offers an uncommonly clear look at a mind coming to know itself.”
—Torrey Peters, Detransition, Baby
"The heaviness of the story’s subject matter—dissociative identity disorder, trauma, the limitations and small graces of therapy—is leavened by lighthearted humor, mordant dialogue, and expressive illustrations..."—Electric Literature, Most Anticipated LGBTQ+ Books of 2022

The Third Person
Emma Grove
A boldly drawn, unforgettable memoir about trauma and the barriers to gender affirming health careIn the winter of 2004, a shy woman named Emma...
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