Summer reads 2023 - Mari
August 24, 2023

I am a simple girl- I enjoy touching grass, snacks, and books. This makes me a perfect victim of depanneurs and summer reads. Don’t fret! I would not have it any other way. As a matter of fact, I am more than happy to spread the gospel about the books and treats that contributed to my almost Edenic summer, considering Global Warming’s attempts to make it not so.

Baby Book
Amy Ching-Yan Lam
"God is personal," the astrologer said. Terrifying and also personal, like a baby. Direct and humorous, Baby Book stacks story upon story to explore...
More InfoIn this collection of poems, Amy Ching-Yan Lam exemplifies how the quotidian can be made fantastical (and vice versa) with the use of masterful language. She weaves a cosmogony that encompasses both the terrible and tender ethereal and awkward family road trips. With an incisive sense of humor and a talent for narrating sensations, she will have you experiencing the quirkiness of parenthood and the surreal vertigo of beasts who are born to die.

Tin to Table
Anna Hezel
Named one of Bon Appetit's Best Cookbooks of Spring 2023Tin to Table cracks open the secrets of tinned fish cooking with over 50 recipes,...
More InfoTinned fish is girl dinner -this is mere common knowledge. Easy to combine, requiring little to no preparation, and versatile enough to be the perfect addition to any quick or fancy meal. Having secured a permanent residency in my pantry, I was more than delighted to find this niche yet widely relatable cookbook (hey, girl dinners are for everyone) on the history, geography, art, and science of tinned fish. Including suggestions of particularly good ones, how to pair them, how to make use of the storing liquids, and how to keep mercury consumption at a minimum, Anna Hezel will teach you everything you need to become an expert at low-effort feasts.

Girl Juice
Benji Nate
A hilarious slice of twentysomething life in the twenty-first centuryWelcome to the Girl Juice House, home of only the hottest gang in town. Benji...
More InfoEvery girl dinner must be properly paired with some Girl Juice, and Benji Nate squeezes nothing but the best. Four roommates navigate their early adulthood in all its grandiosity: tedious jobs, clown boyfriends, mommy issues, and religious imagery, among others. Quirky and messy yet fabulous and detailed, this graphic novel had me giggling, blushing, and uncontrollably sending quotes to my friends. There’s no going back after sipping on Girl Juice!

Julien Magnani
« Mes parents ont toujours passé des films à la maison. Rarement des films d’auteurs ou avant-gardistes, plutôt du cinéma populaire, français ou américain....
More InfoJulien Magnani is a master collector of movie scenes. Including more than 150 illustrations of popular films, he intimately lets the reader into his childhood living room, and, in posteriori, his own space during the pandemic, through slight changes in color and atmosphere. Both public and private, Magnani’s creation of a roman graphique ciné-familial took me on a nostalgic and intricate visual journey, while also providing exciting additions to my watchlist.
Sarah Berthiaume
Marie est autrice. Son dernier roman a soulevé l’ire de ses modèles féministes et l’a laissée vidée, incapable d’écrire. Après plusieurs fausses couches, suivant...
More InfoI finally got around to reading Frankenstein at my ripe 26 years of age, and was reminded of why some classics are such. Naturally, I also became obsessed with the eccentric and curious figure of Mary Shelley (born Mary Wollstonecraft). Luckily, Sarah Berthiaume understands this progression, and returned the spark to my life by creating a gothic and dystopic play that freely incorporates elements of Shelley’s life with modern meditations on feminism and science.

A Matter of Appearance
Emily Wells
A dazzling memoir of chronic illness that explores the fraught intersection between pain, language, and gender, by a debut author.Emily Wells spent her childhood...
More InfoFor fans of Sontag, Freud, and Barthes, this memoir explores pain, womanhood, and the role of language in expressing our experience. Referencing the history of illness, from the nineteenth-century “hysteria patients” at the Salpêtrière Hospital in nineteenth-century Paris to the contemporary New Age wellness trends, Wells recounts her personal experience as a ballet dancer and a patient of chronic illness. I was delighted to find a book that feels grounded and corporeal whilst remaining thorough in its analysis.
Upcoming books that have lived rent-free in my mind during the past few months:

Klara du Plessis, Khashayar "Kess" Mohammadi
G is a sound. Phonetically, it is represented as [?]and corresponds to ? in the Arabic alphabeta guttural resonance shared between Afrikaans and Persian....
More InfoI am shaking in my boots to read this translingual collection of poems by beloved local writer Klara Du Plessis in collaboration with Khashayar Mohammadi. Written on a Google doc in English, Afrikaans, and Persian, I cannot wait to see what these authors will bring to the poetic table this time around.

Our Lady of Mile End
Sarah Gilbert
Our Lady of Mile End is a neighbourhood of stories where recurring characters face personal challenges and unexpected intimacies against a backdrop of...
More InfoIntertwining and highlighting the lives of women of all walks of the Mile End, we are all being called to celebrate Our Lady of Mile End. I am so looking forward to reading Sarah Gilbert’s rendition of a neighborhood that has been a defining part of my experience in Montreal, and that soulfully adds to our culture, and even more excited about it focusing on the women that carry families and businesses on their backs.

The Only Way to Make Bread
Cristina Quintero
A delicious exploration of all kinds of breads, from sourdough to bannock to bao, that will tickle your taste buds and warm your heart.What's...
More InfoWriter Cristina Quintero and local illustrator Sarah Gonzales join forces to create the most delicious picture book. Teaching children and adults about the history of different types of bread around the world, I’m ready to be held hostage by myself in my kitchen as I try out all of these historical recipes.