This Shelf Belongs to .... Kama La Mackerel!
September 1, 2021
Each month, Librairie Drawn & Quarterly invites a local author or artist to curate a shelf in the store. This month, we bring you recommendations from Kama La Mackerel.

Kama La Mackerel is an award-winning Mauritian-Canadian multi-disciplinary artist, educator, writer, curator and literary translator who has exhibited, performed and lectured internationally. Their body of work includes photography, video, installation, performance, textile and literature.

La danse du figuier
Nasereddine, Emme
La danse du figuier met en dialogue trois générations de femmes : Téta, la grand-mère, Fadwa, la mère et Emné, la fille. La poète...
More InfoLa danse du figuier de Emné Nesereddine est une traversée poétique qui lie et honore trois générations de femmes libanaises: Téta, la grand-mère, Fadwa, la mère, et Emné qui s’écrit et écrit les lignées auxquelles elle appartient. Percutants, bouleversants et doux, ces vers coulent comme un baume sur les territoires brisés de guerres, de deuils et d’exils.

Quand il fait triste Bertha chante
Rodney Saint-Éloi
Dans ce récit admirablement écrit, l’auteur rend hommage à sa mère, Bertha. Cette grande dame noire à l’énergie et à la générosité exemplaires, «...
More InfoQuand il fait triste Bertha chante de Rodney Saint-Éloi est un livre qui est grand. Dans ce récit sur le deuil, l’immigration, l’espoir et la mémoire se trouve une des plus belles lettres d’amour jamais écrite. Rodney Saint-Éloi a une plume qui est exceptionnelle, qui est forte, qui est poétique, mais il a surtout une sensibilité humaine pour comprendre et communiquer les émotions les plus complexes.

Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian)
Hazel Plante
The playful and poignant novel Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian) sifts through a queer trans woman's unrequited love for her straight trans friend who...
More InfoLittle Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian) by Hazel Jane Plant is a remarkable and quirky novel: written as a series of encyclopedia entries (in alphabetical order) about a fictional TV show about an island called Little Blue, the narrative delves into the grief of a trans woman who recently lost another trans woman whom she loved. A beautiful portrait of trans women’s relationships, the writing is deeply intimate while also being packed with pop culture references.

My Art Is Killing Me and Other Poems
Amber Dawn
Finalist, Jim Deva Prize for Writing that Provokes In her novels, poetry, and prose, Amber Dawn has written eloquently on queer femme sexuality, individual...
More InfoMy Arts Is Killing Me and Other Poems by Amber Dawn is an honest and courageous collection that is concerned with speaking one’s truth. A reflection on her own trajectory in being an artist working within institutions steeped in structural oppression, Amber Dawn weaves a full-bodied poetic rendition that dissects what it means to make artistic work with integrity.

This Little Art
Kate Briggs
An essay with the reach and momentum of a novel, Kate Briggs’sThis Little Art is a genre-bending song for the practice of literary translation,...
More InfoThis Little Art by Kate Briggs is a genre-bending essay that offers an insightful reflection on what it means to do the work of literary translation. At once personal, theoretical, scholarly and informative, This Little Art brings us into the subjectivity of the literary translator, and demands that we ask ourselves questions pertaining to language, writing, literary expression and the role of the writer, reader and translator.

Wendy, Master of Art
Walter Scott
The existential dread of making (or not making) art takes center stage in this trenchant satire of MFA culture Wendy is an aspiring contemporary...
More InfoWendy, Master of Art by Walter Scott is a witty and humorous graphic novel that delves into MFA culture and the general culture of art-making. As we get attached to Wendy as a character trying to find herself both as an artist and a human being, we are also engaged in a social commentary about the world of art, its adjacent communities and their entanglement in contemporary political issues.

Les enrag.é.es
Valérie Bah
À travers cette suite de récits sans concession, on voit apparaître et réapparaître des personnages résolus, damnés et triomphants dont on devine les liens...
More InfoLes Enragé·es de Valérie Bah est un recueil exceptionnel, courageux, honnête et très fort qui décortique les questions de la race, du genre, de la sexualité, du langage, de la classe sociale et du fait d’être Noir·e dans un contexte contemporain Québécois. Écrits dans une voix littéraire distincte, ces récits sont à la fois remplis d’humour et de pathos, de justice poétique et d’inconfort.

Kama La Mackerel
In their debut poetry collection, Kama La Mackerel mythologizes a queer/trans narrative of and for their home island, Mauritius. Composed of expansive lyric poems,...
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