"Arrival is the new horizon": Poetry Double Launch with Sarah Wolfson and Laura Zacharin
February 27, 2020

Kasia Juno came next, committing to the seasonal theme with poems from her chapbook Sea Burial Laws According to Country: "How deep places lodge / In the body / Like those hidden rivers / Below Winnipeg / the Assiniboine and the Red / which I have heard travel / by night across the continent / and deposit on their banks / these small histories of touch."

Laura Zacharin rounded things off--"I'm sorry I don't have a winter poem, but this is close"--with poems full of verve and longing: "She said relax, bad things are going to happen / and she rattled them off like a shopping list, / a canon or a prayer. And what she really said was / savour the strawberry / in your mouth."
Thanks to all the readers, and to everyone who came!

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