Camping Reads
July 7, 2021

Camping remains as popular as ever this summer. Here are some of our favourite books to accompany you on your outdoor adventures.
Camping in the Old Style explores many techniques and methods including woodcraft, how to set a campfire, food preparation, pitching a tent, auto camping, and canoeing.
How to Shit in the Woods is your guide to eco-friendly outdoor defecation. Renowned climate activist Bill McKibben writes the introduction.

The Book of Building Fires teaches all you need to know to start a campfire.
Foret: Identifier, cueillir, cuisiner est la bible des plantes comestibles sauvages contient plus de 150 références illustrées, des photos qui invitent à une immersion en forêt, un calendrier de cueillette ainsi que d’importantes réflexions sur notre rapport à la nourriture et à la nature.

The Pendleton Field Guide to Campfire Stories features family friendly campfire stories.
How to Stay Alive in the Woods is a complete guide to food, shelter and self-preservation en forêt.

The Down and Dirty Guide to Camping with Kids has everything you need to know about navigating adventures avec vos enfants.
The Campout Cookbook: features inspired recipes for cooking around the fire and under the stars.
The Pendleton Field Guide to Camping offers practical advice on how to & how to enjoy camping.

All books selected are available from our online store. We offer Canada-wide shipping, bike deliveries in Montreal, prepaid pickups as well as limited in store browsing.
Enjoy the time outdoors & happy summer reading!