Graphic Novel Book Club - Paying the Land by Joe Sacco
December 8, 2020
Most readers had been unaware of the situation up North and appreciated the work Sacco had done. They expressed the need for Canadians to know about their country and ongoing histories. They were taken aback by the many contradictions and complications bound to the situation: the multiple borders, governments, laws, and people involved. Readers further expressed admiration of the characterization of the land, as expressed through testimony and memory of the people.
By the same token, they appreciated Sacco's self-insertions: as a character - a caricature of his self - as he provided much needed levity to a potentially overwhelming read. He furthermore creates the perspective of the view from the outside. What does it mean to have this story told from the perspective of a white man? Self-aware of the fact, Sacco draws himself as other, sticking out in any scene.

Paying the Land
Joe Sacco
From the “heir to R. Crumb and Art Spiegelman” (Economist), a masterful work of comics journalism about indigenous North America, resource extraction, and our...
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The Contradictions
Sophie Yanow
The Eisner Award-winning story about a student figuring out radical politics in a messy world. Sophie's young and queer and into feminist theory. She...
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