New D+Q! King of King Court in stores now!

August 10, 2019

New D+Q! King of King Court in stores now!

The latest D+Q title to hit shelves is King of King Court, a detailed and moving memoir from Travis Dandro. The book recounts Dandro's life as it intersected with his biological father, Dad Dave, in early childhood and then again as a young teen.

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Dandro's art is both bold and tender. The book teems with innovative paneling and intricate textures. The text frequently gives way to expansive images that flicker and intensify just like old memories. The many wordless scenes allow the narrative to wander seamlessly amongst dreams, flashbacks, and traumatic incidents.

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While the subject matter of the book is quite heavy, with several scenes portraying suicide, addiction, and familial violence, Dandro traverses these subjects with compassion and complexity. It's particularly impressive how Dandro is able to balance honouring the intensity of teenage emotions with regard for the struggles of the adults in hi life who inflicted harms despite their best intentions.

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King of King Court is an impactful memoir that's bound to linger with readers. We hope you fall for it just as quickly as we did!