Linda Leith Publishing Showcases their Finest this Fall!
November 14, 2019
We were thrilled to welcome Linda Leith Publishing once more for the launch of their Fall lineup featuring Phillip Ernest's Far Himalaya, Wiebke Von Carolsfeld's Clarmont, and Norman Ravvin's The Girl Who Stole Everything. As well as two new translations: Caterina Edward's L'épouse sicilienne, and Peter Kirby's La terre promise.
Many thanks to Phillip having joined us this evening in spite of the difficult trip from India. Hope that you managed to get some rest!
Wiebke: "Before I came to Canada I wanted to become a book editor. That didn’t work out since my english wasn’t very good... We've come full circle to publishing my book where I had done my internship (in Boston)." On the first chapter of the book: "I’m not giving away too much - you’ll feel much better at the end of the book!"
Phillip: "I’m certainly no master of Sanskrit. I hope no one here can challenge me on that!" "It’s not an autobiography." This was not actually his story but everything in it is real. "...a wish fulfilling fantasy of Toronto 80's and 90’s."
Elise on The Girl who Stole everything: "...a magical story with the most lucid language brings you through the story of Jewish lives past and present - Poland and Vancouver - it is just beautiful."
Rachel, along with the spirit of Peter: “Peter me demande de vous dire qu’il souffre de terrible douleurs aux genoux à cause de longs moments passés sur le prie-dieux…”
Aimee: "J’ai révisé les deux traductions lancé ce soir. En particulier je vous parle de L’épouse sicilienne de Caterina qui est à Edmonton. On ce pose...des questions sur la place des femmes: dans une famille traditionnel, dans une position d'autorité (tel la police)." "J'ai du être attentive aux nuances dans le texte: employer un français jamais servile, vraiment fluide - sans compromis et avec respect pour l’originale."
Johanna: "Du point de vue de la traduction - en fin de compte, la traduction est une façon de voyager, immersif - je vous fait un aveu: les longues descriptions son difficile à traduire. J’ai eut un immense plaisire à les traduire ici. Les personnages sont subtiles, on peut facilement s’y reconnaître!"
Wiebke von Carolsfeld
How to survive the unthinkable? This is the question nine-year-old Tom has to face after witnessing his parent's murder-suicide. After the horrific event, Tom...
More InfoThe Girl Who Stole Everything
Norman Ravvin, Norman Ravvin
A stolen house on a Polish square. A pop bottle on Vancouver's east side. Nadia Baltzan knows a few things about theft. The Girl...
More InfoThe Far Himalaya
Phillip Ernest, Phillip Ernest
Young and homeless on the streets of Toronto, Benjamin Doheney is sustained by an unusual sources of strength: his devotion to Sanskrit, the ancient...
More InfoOpen Season
Peter Kirby, Peter Kirby
A Guatemalan journalist is kidnapped, and the only message from her kidnappers is the murder of her lawyer. In a race against time, Luc...
More InfoL'épouse sicilienne
Caterine Edwards
L’épouse sicilienne est à la fois une œuvre littéraire et un roman policier. Fulvia, la princesse de la mafia, doit éviter à tout prix...
More Info